Both Mule Deer and White-tailed deer are found in Wyoming
but Mule Deer are more prevalent.I see muleys daily where I live in
the Lander Valley located on the eastern slopes of the Wind River Range.
Occasionally, White-tails are to be found on the western slopes of the continental
divide, but not often.White-tails are typically considered an eastern deer but we have
them and the further east you go from Wyoming,the more common they become . . .
the Rocky Mountains are the cut-off of their range to the west.
My studio is located on a river that flows into the eastern drainage of the Wind River
and there is a resident herdof White-tail deer a few miles northwest of us . . .
we don't see them often but today a doe and a yearling were out in the harsh,
snowy weather. Below, are images.

Below, are images of etchings entitled,"First Snow" and "White-tail in Snow".
Below, are images of sculptures entitled, "Swamp Buck" and "White-tail".
"Swamp Buck"
15"H 13"W 6"D
Edition 65

12"H 12"W 4"D
Edition 65

12"H 12"W 4"D
Edition 65
but Mule Deer are more prevalent.I see muleys daily where I live in
the Lander Valley located on the eastern slopes of the Wind River Range.
Occasionally, White-tails are to be found on the western slopes of the continental
divide, but not often.White-tails are typically considered an eastern deer but we have
them and the further east you go from Wyoming,the more common they become . . .
the Rocky Mountains are the cut-off of their range to the west.
My studio is located on a river that flows into the eastern drainage of the Wind River
and there is a resident herdof White-tail deer a few miles northwest of us . . .
we don't see them often but today a doe and a yearling were out in the harsh,
snowy weather. Below, are images.

Below, are images of etchings entitled,"First Snow" and "White-tail in Snow".
Below, are images of sculptures entitled, "Swamp Buck" and "White-tail".
"Swamp Buck"
15"H 13"W 6"D
Edition 65

12"H 12"W 4"D
Edition 65

12"H 12"W 4"D
Edition 65
Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish
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