Throw on another log is a commentary and opinion about art
and this blog is a continuation of the previous post . . .
Please scroll back to blog # 599, posted Jan. 11, 2015.
I welcome your comments and observations.
I welcome your comments and observations.

Since the last post, I've received several comments and inquiries from
former students and others about the influence of Bugatti regarding my
work. Years ago, I purchased the big Bugatti book - cover shown at right -
and while it had a definite presence in the studio, it was not a
"go-to" source of reference during the early, formative years . . .
There's no clay on the pages which attests to the fact.
The trip to Paris last month has directed my attention to this incomparable sculptor of animals. I was mesmerized by his plasters at the Musee d'Orsay, (shown in the previous post), and spent hours in the Petit Palais,
(also shown), with his sculptures . . . captivated and influenced.
The trip to Paris last month has directed my attention to this incomparable sculptor of animals. I was mesmerized by his plasters at the Musee d'Orsay, (shown in the previous post), and spent hours in the Petit Palais,
(also shown), with his sculptures . . . captivated and influenced.
Bugatti died young - he committed suicide at age 31 - and during his short life he created over 300 sculptures.
He explored many different methods and styles while creating a multitude of masterpieces . . . each one a classic observation of the animal . . . in gesture and in spirit. Every sculptor would be well-served to study his work.
While I can't say my work has been grounded and influenced by Bugatti over the years, since returning from Paris,
I'm haunted by the memory of experiencing his sculpture in the museums. This morning, I created a study of a walking panther - shown below - that would not have been on my radar to do without being under his spell.
Every artist is the sum total of their interests, experience, knowledge, and feelings.
Artists and their styles evolve naturally while searching various possibilities of design.
Style, like feelings, cannot be forced.
Style, like feelings, cannot be forced.
Shown below, are images of Bugatti's cats. Note the various surface treatments and styles.
I'm concluding each art blog about our trip to Paris last month with a glimpse of life in the beautiful city.
Below, the morning sun streams through the window of the upper level cafe as Trish and i enjoy coffee,
a baguette, and cheese at the Musee d'Orsay . . . an enlightening day, experiencing Bugatti.
Also shown is the incredible Sorolla painting that is close to the cafe.
Go to the BLOG INDEX on the right for more information.
Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish
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