Please see the previous post for more information about this subject.

Wild Turkeys have a distinguished ancestry and are truly an all-American bird.
The big bird has survived since early pioneer days and our forefathers once
feasted upon its delicious meat just as we do now.
For wariness and cleverness, it is unsurpassed by any other bird but it's possible
to get relatively close to them in the wild at Brookgreen Gardens because
they are used to human activity.
Over the years, the species has been one of my favorite subjects for not only sculpture,
but for etchings and drawings. Brookgreen Gardens in Murrell's Inlet, South Carolina offers
an "in-the-field" experience and a great place to observe, sketch, and photograph Wild Turkeys.
Below, are images of a new sculpture entitled "Jake". The bronze will be introduced at the 2015 Prix de West Exhibition
in Oklahoma City next month at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. The show opens June, 13.
Shown below, is the clay model in progress.
Below, our Brittany, Penny joins Trish in the mold room while making the flexible rubber mold of Jake.
Below, I'm at the foundry placing the sculpture on a base plate for welding and the addition of terrain shapes.
Below are two photos of Jake on the patina rack . . . after patina and before wax.
A Jake Turkey is an immature male turkey. A Jake has shorter feathers on each side
of the tail fan and a small snood above the beck. A snood is a flappy piece of skin that hangs over a turkey's beak.
All of the tail feathers on a mature Tom will be the same length and will appear as a symmetrical semi-circle
when he struts. See the previous post for an image of a strutting Tom and the sculpture entitled "Tom".
Below, are photos of Wild Turkeys taken last month at Brookgreen Gardens.
The photos shown below are of a mature male gobbler or Tom. . . . a Jake's beard is short and grows with age.

Wild Turkeys have a distinguished ancestry and are truly an all-American bird.
The big bird has survived since early pioneer days and our forefathers once
feasted upon its delicious meat just as we do now.
For wariness and cleverness, it is unsurpassed by any other bird but it's possible
to get relatively close to them in the wild at Brookgreen Gardens because
they are used to human activity.
Over the years, the species has been one of my favorite subjects for not only sculpture,
but for etchings and drawings. Brookgreen Gardens in Murrell's Inlet, South Carolina offers
an "in-the-field" experience and a great place to observe, sketch, and photograph Wild Turkeys.
Below, are images of a new sculpture entitled "Jake". The bronze will be introduced at the 2015 Prix de West Exhibition
in Oklahoma City next month at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. The show opens June, 13.
Shown below, is the clay model in progress.
Below, our Brittany, Penny joins Trish in the mold room while making the flexible rubber mold of Jake.
Below, I'm at the foundry placing the sculpture on a base plate for welding and the addition of terrain shapes.
Below are two photos of Jake on the patina rack . . . after patina and before wax.
A Jake Turkey is an immature male turkey. A Jake has shorter feathers on each side
of the tail fan and a small snood above the beck. A snood is a flappy piece of skin that hangs over a turkey's beak.
All of the tail feathers on a mature Tom will be the same length and will appear as a symmetrical semi-circle
when he struts. See the previous post for an image of a strutting Tom and the sculpture entitled "Tom".
Below, are photos of Wild Turkeys taken last month at Brookgreen Gardens.
The photos shown below are of a mature male gobbler or Tom. . . . a Jake's beard is short and grows with age.
Go to the BLOG INDEX on the right for more information.
Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish
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