Start this series with #522, April 16, 2014.
I post bird anatomy and armature building on this blog as a review and continuing education for students.
One of the most frequently requested subjects concerns my method of constructing a "cantilever" armature
which supports the projected wings of birds in flight.
The dictionary explains "cantilever" as a projection, fixed at one end, that is used in construction.
Below, are two different versions of the "cantilever" armature set-up using 1/2 inch plumber's pipe, floor flange, "T-joint"
and tie wire . . . all materials that are available at a hardware store. Strength and stability is
achieved by packing clay around the "T-joint" after inserting loosely twisted tie wire.
The top picture depicts the armature set-up with a double loop of wire for a wingspan in excess of 20 to 22 inches.
The second photo depicts a single loop twisted wire set-up for wingspans of a shorter length.
Please note: Each loop is made up of TWO wires, loosely twisted together.
The single wire was placed to denote the wingspan [in inches] of the species to be modeled.
Below, aluminum foil is used as a vehicle to carry the warm clay and to cantilever and project the wing shape
into space . . . a wingspan exceeding 30 inches can successfully be constructed in this manner.
A thorough explanation of the "cantilever" armature system is available in my workshop and I invite workshop
participants to follow along with their own work as I demonstrate the amazing strength of the armature.
Below, as I demonstrated the armature system by modeling a duck with outstretched wings in the workshop,
a student followed along and depicted a barn swallow in flight.
Below, are examples of block-ins and works in progress of birds in flight using the "cantilever" armature system.
Below, are examples of cast bronze sculptures of birds in flight . . .
I used the "cantilever" armature system while creating these works.
A Day on the Bay (View 1)
12"H 15"W 10"D
A Day on the Bay (View 2)
12"H 15"W 10"D

Hay Bay
19"H 25"W 14"D
Falcon Heart Humming
20"H 20"W 16"D
Height of Land
12"H 23"W 15"D
I post bird anatomy and armature building on this blog as a review and continuing education for students.
One of the most frequently requested subjects concerns my method of constructing a "cantilever" armature
which supports the projected wings of birds in flight.
The dictionary explains "cantilever" as a projection, fixed at one end, that is used in construction.
Below, are two different versions of the "cantilever" armature set-up using 1/2 inch plumber's pipe, floor flange, "T-joint"
and tie wire . . . all materials that are available at a hardware store. Strength and stability is
achieved by packing clay around the "T-joint" after inserting loosely twisted tie wire.
The top picture depicts the armature set-up with a double loop of wire for a wingspan in excess of 20 to 22 inches.
The second photo depicts a single loop twisted wire set-up for wingspans of a shorter length.
Please note: Each loop is made up of TWO wires, loosely twisted together.
The single wire was placed to denote the wingspan [in inches] of the species to be modeled.
Below, aluminum foil is used as a vehicle to carry the warm clay and to cantilever and project the wing shape
into space . . . a wingspan exceeding 30 inches can successfully be constructed in this manner.
A thorough explanation of the "cantilever" armature system is available in my workshop and I invite workshop
participants to follow along with their own work as I demonstrate the amazing strength of the armature.
Below, as I demonstrated the armature system by modeling a duck with outstretched wings in the workshop,
a student followed along and depicted a barn swallow in flight.
Below, are examples of block-ins and works in progress of birds in flight using the "cantilever" armature system.
Below, are examples of cast bronze sculptures of birds in flight . . .
I used the "cantilever" armature system while creating these works.
A Day on the Bay (View 1)
12"H 15"W 10"D
A Day on the Bay (View 2)
12"H 15"W 10"D

Hay Bay
19"H 25"W 14"D
Falcon Heart Humming
20"H 20"W 16"D
Height of Land
12"H 23"W 15"D
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Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish
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