The imprint of an artist's touch cast in bronze on the surface of a sculpture has a living presence, as fingerprints and tool marks are a source of fascination for the viewer. Run your hands over the surface of a
beautifully modeled sculpture feel the form, see with your hands.
Walk around the sculpture and use your hands and eyes to feel
your way in and out of the shapes. New forms appear at every
angle - smooth, curved shapes, vigorously modeled passages,
hard edges . . . a source of endless discovery as the sculptor leads
you throughout space, giving you an experience inspired by nature.
your way in and out of the shapes. New forms appear at every
angle - smooth, curved shapes, vigorously modeled passages,
hard edges . . . a source of endless discovery as the sculptor leads
you throughout space, giving you an experience inspired by nature.
One Saturday afternoon at an art show I watched a father take the little hands of his blind daughter and run
them over the surface of "Charger". . . the sculpture below. The young girl was touching and seeing the
animal with her hands as her father guided her. I watched as the girl focused on what
she was feeling and realized that she was seeing a horse for the first time.
26"H 25"W 9"D
19"H 18"W 12"D
Standing Horse
12"H 11"W 6"D
Equus Found in clay
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Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish
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