While in Yellowstone last week, we encountered many different animal species - including the American Bison.
Below, are images of a memorable field trip in Yellowstone.

Below, in the distance . . . Yellowstone geyser drama. Bison love this location in the winter.
Having just completed a bison monument for the Briscoe Museum in San Antonio - see blog posts #458 through #461, I was very familiar with the subject and was anxious to model a little clay study of the magnificent animal in the field.
Below, I set up my sculpture stand a safe distance from a small herd in the Dunraven area, enjoyed a picnic,
shot a few photos, and started with my typical working method . . . sketches in my sketchbook.
Below, the little clay study progressed quickly, although it was difficult to warm the clay in the crisp, late afternoon air.

Below, in the distance . . . Yellowstone geyser drama. Bison love this location in the winter.
Having just completed a bison monument for the Briscoe Museum in San Antonio - see blog posts #458 through #461, I was very familiar with the subject and was anxious to model a little clay study of the magnificent animal in the field.
Below, I set up my sculpture stand a safe distance from a small herd in the Dunraven area, enjoyed a picnic,
shot a few photos, and started with my typical working method . . . sketches in my sketchbook.
Below, the little clay study progressed quickly, although it was difficult to warm the clay in the crisp, late afternoon air.
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