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Wednesday 15 April 2015

#626 Horses, con't . . . the Arabian

Please start this series of posts bout the horse with blog # 616

There are many different breeds of horses and nature designed each breed according to their intended use.

The Arabian horse is the oldest known breed of riding horse and evolved form ancient equine stock brought together
from the middle eastern deserts and  the barb;  which is a related breed from the  Barbary Coast - the name for western North Africa.  Throughout history, it's interesting to note that the Arabian Horse was the chosen mount of
Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, and George Washington.

Arabian horses have developed a close affinity to man due to the centuries old requirements of desert nomads
sharing their water, food, and tents, with their cherished animals during harsh conditions. 

While there are many complex theories about the Arabian's ancestry, perhaps no other breed has been so deliberately bred for horseman of the desert and beyond.  Today's Arab stands approximately 15 and 1/2 hands, has a long 
arched neck, a distinctive dished head, a light muzzle, a large,  powerful chest, and interestingly - 
 has 23 vertebrae instead of the 24 of other breeds. 

Below, is a silhouette of the Arabian horse. The breed has a trot, a smooth walk, and a fast gallop.
The animal is hot-blooded and usually requires an experienced rider.

 Nature designed horses to be ridden and I have found that when modeling the animal, it's helpful to imagine yourself astride and riding bareback.  Try it!  You can truly transport yourself and imagine the mass, shapes, barrel of the ribcage behind you, the narrowness behind the withers and scapula where your legs are. and the "feel" of how the horse is put together.

Go to the BLOG INDEX  and Reference Page for more information.  See post #616 and #655

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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