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Sunday 12 April 2015

#625 "Riders of the Dawn" . . . the horse, con't

Please start this series of posts about the horse with blog #616

One of my all-time favorite equestrian monuments is a sculpture entitled "Riders of the Dawn" 
by Adolph Alexander Weinman, (1870 -1952).   Located at Brookgreen Gardens in Murrell's Inlet, South Carolina,  
it was commissioned by the Brookgreen founders,  Archer and Anna Hyatt Huntington in 1940.
The sculpture depicts a heroic group of two galloping horses ridden by jubilant young men blowing trumpets.  
Weinman combines every element to create the feeling of a great surge of high spirits and youthful vigor.  The powerful masses, the patterns of muscles, the wind-tossed manes, and the scrolled waves all contribute to the effect.

Below, is an image of "Riders of the Dawn".

Adolph Alexander Weinman was born in Germany and came to New York when he was 10 years old.
At the age of 15, he attended evening classes at Copper Union and later studies at the Art Student's League.  He later apprenticed and worked for Augustus Saint-Gaudens and Daniel Chester French and opened his own studio in 1904.  Weinman in known as an expert in medallic art, a carver of architectural ornament, and a sculptor of monuments.  
Many important buildings were beautified by his additions in New York, Washington D.C., 
 the state capitals of Missouri and Wisconsin and elsewhere.

Below, are details from the superb equestrian monument:  "Riders of the Dawn" which has had an enormous 
effect on my approach to equine sculpture since I first laid eyes on in it  almost 35 years ago.

Go to the BLOG INDEX on the right for more information.

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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