

Gallery List

Sunday 10 August 2014

#555 In the studio: Remembering Mac

Years ago, our friends Bill and Joffa Kerr introduced us to the Scottish Terrier.
We had always been terrier fans but our preferred breed was the West Highland White Terrier.

While looking for a companion for our Westie, we were guests of the Kerrs' and became totally
captivated by their brace of Scotties:  MacDuff and MacMuffin.  While Kerr is a Scottish surname . . . 
what could be more Scottish than having the last name - Scott?!  We simply had to have a Scottie, 
we found a breeder, and a wonderful dog we called Mac joined the family.

We had Mac for seven years, until his life was cut short by a tragic accident.  I had started a sculpture of his classic, magnificent head the year before he died and returned to it as I mourned our loss the week following his death.
The name of the sculpture is, "Remembering Mac" and Bill and Joffa have a casting of it in their collection.

Shown below is our casting, which serves as an urn for his ashes.
  It sets on the mantel and is a constant reminder of our beloved dog, Mac.

Remembering Mac
12"H 9"W 11"D
Edition 50

Below, is a photo of Mac and our Westie, Toby on the boat dock at the Canadian island studio.

Below, is a copy of a note to Bill and Joffa . . . after Mac died we found our current Scottie,
 named Black Watch.  We call her Watcher, she is half the size of Mac and
many say she is the smallest Scottie they have ever encountered.

Below, is a painting of Mac and Toby painted by our dear friend, Lanford Monroe.
Mac was a puppy and Lanford died less than two years after she painted their portraits.

Below, Julie Jeppsen painted this wonderful portrait of Mac the year he died.

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Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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