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Wednesday 6 August 2014

#554 In the field: Wilderness aesthetics, con't . . .

Please start this series of blogposts with #549, Wed. July 23

The Rocky Mountains stretch from the Brooks Range in Alaska to the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of northern New Mexico and during my life I have experienced  both the northern and the southern reaches of the dramatic mountain range.
Most of my Rocky Mountain travels have been close to home in the central portion in Colorado and Wyoming.  I have lived in the Rocky Mountain region for over 35 years and currently reside in the Wind River Range of the Rockies in Wyoming.  The Rockies contain ecologically diverse regions and vast expanses of wilderness for the artist and nature lover.

The lives of all birds of the Rockies are greatly influenced by the seasons and although most of the many species are migrants, some stay to nest and some are winter residents.  Waterfowl, eagles, and osprey leave the high elevations when water
freezes while owls and grouse will remain in the winter.

At right, Canada Geese glide past a feeding cow moose on a high mountain trout lake.  They hatched and raised their small brood here and will teach them to fly out before freeze-up.

The focus of this blogpost is five of the large birds we encountered and photographed last month as we celebrated my birthday week in the Colorado Rockies.  While fishing for trout in a high mountain lake, just below the timberline, we shared the beautiful setting with Bald Eagles, Osprey, Ravens, and Canada Geese . . . not until we left the high
country for lower elevations did we encounter the Great Blue Heron.  With each change in elevation,
habitat, and vegetation, there is a change in bird life.

Below, are photos of our experience and recent artwork of the five species depicted.

 Original etching entitled Bald Eagle

Sketch of an osprey

 Bronze sculpture entitled Ravenrock

 Bronze sculpture entitled Nesting Heron

Sketch of Canada Geese

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Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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