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Wednesday 9 July 2014

#546 Beyond my studio window: geese

We had two pair of Canada Geese nest and raise their broods on our pond this spring.
The pond outlet flows into the Popo Agie River which surrounds the property and the wild
geese have taken the maturing juveniles downstream to prepare them for flight and migration.
Below, are photos taken this spring of the wild geese.

Below, is a working drawing of an idea for future consideration in the design studio.
Contemplating, experiencing, and observing birds in nature is the best . . .
and for me the only way to create sculpture.

Below, is a drawing of a big Canada stretching it's wings.

We have 4 enormous domestic French geese who hatched goslings over the 4th of July week-end.
We not only enjoy their majestic beauty as they glide on our pond but they also serve as an
effective alert system - similar to watchdogs - with their raucous honking
when anything out of the ordinary invades their territory.

Below, are recent photos of the geese and their goslings.

Below, the brood's first outing on the pond.

The domestic goslings are a daily delight and this is only the second time in six years that they've had their eggs hatch . . . so many predators in our remote and untamed area!  The pond, with it's little island sanctuary provided safety
for both the wild and the domestic geese and the birds were able to protect their clutch.
Domestic geese are built different than wild geese and because their weight and center of gravity
is set so far back compared to wild geese,  the domestics are flightless.

Below, is a painting of a gosling with one of my sculptures.  It was painted by Adele Earnshaw,
one of my all-time favorite artists whose work I collect and whose friendship I enjoy.

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Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for pairing my little piece with your wonderful sculpture. Just gorgeous!!
