

Gallery List

Sunday 6 July 2014

#545 In the studio: hummingbirds

I don't sculpt many small birds but the hummingbird is an exception.  I spent the morning of July 4th creating a little high-releif modeled wall hanging of a Ruby-throated Hummingbird drinking dewdrops from a rose petal.  Low-releif, bas-relief, and high-releif presentation is tricky.  The sculptor must "trick" the viewer's eye into perceiving reality by making use of sculptural drawing, form, and composition.   The design must come forward yet also recede . . . design is paramount.
I'll live with it for awhile, then a mold will be made, and it will be taken to the foundry to be cast in bronze.

Below is an image of the clay model.

Below, is a drawing of hummingbirds.

Below. are images of hummers at our feeder.

Below, is a photo of an early sculpture entitled, "Hummingbird and Roses".

Hummer and Rose

Below, is an image of a watercolor- tinted, original etching of a Ruby-throated Hummingbird.

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Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish


  1. Somehow hummingbirds are special! They are beautiful and whimsical and up-lifting. You captured that in your wonderful piece!

  2. Hi Sandy,
    My husband and I bought what we call "Peace Dove" from you back in the 90's. I just wanted to let you know that we love it. It is one of those things that brings joy just by gazing at it from time to time. It is one dove and has a particularly beautiful patina.

    I love these hummingbirds. For those of us who can see them on a regular basis, there seems such excitement every time one is around. There is a lightness to the bird, but they are so strong for their size.
    Thanks so much and have a great day,
    Brenda Evans
