

Gallery List

Wednesday 25 September 2013

#464 In the field: Yellowstone

After the Cody show last weekend - see the last blog for info about the show - 
we headed to Yellowstone through the east entrance.  We live less than three hours 
from the majestic park, have visited many times, and never tire of its beauty.  
The park is a great resource for observing, sketching, and photographing animals in their natural habitat.

This trip was, by far, my most successful and productive experience with one of my favorite subjects: 
the Shiras Moose.  At the end of our first day, we came upon a cow with two yearlings and a young bull
along the Lamar River.  Incredibly, we were able to watch them from a safe distance for close to two hours!  

Below, are images from our exciting encounter with moose in Yellowstone.

An incoming Rocky Mountain snowstorm cut our trip short, but tonight in the studio . . .
I looked at a moose study started two years ago, and in progress,
with fresh eyes and invigorated inspiration.

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott

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