

Gallery List

Sunday 22 September 2013

#463 In the field: Buffalo Bill Art Show . . . Quick Draw

I attend several museum sponsored, invitational art shows during the year,
and the annual September Rendezvous Royale show in Cody, Wyoming  
is one of my favorites.

Held at the prestigious Buffalo Bill Historical Center, and surrounded by the majesty of the Greater Yellowstone Region, the celebrated art show, sale, and quick draw is one of the west's most popular art destinations.

Below, collectors love the excitement of a Quick Draw, and the Cody, Wyoming show presents a fast-paced and popular event for art lovers.  Painters and sculptors are given one hour to create a work of art.
The rules are strict:  Painters start with a blank canvas, and sculptors start with a blank armature.

Fifty painters and sculptors participated in this year's event.
The horn sounds and the artists give it their best shot!

Below, I start with a lump of clay and a drawing of my idea for a one hour creation . . .
a functional art sculpture of a kitchen pot hook;  a pig portrait is my subject.

Below,  the horn sounds and work is underway.

Below, collectors enjoy seeing the process.

Below, my watch reminds me . . . I have 31 minuets to complete the work.

Below, is the work completed in one hour . . .  entitled Cocina Queen Pot Hook.  
 The sculpture was popular and multiple castings sold at the auction that followed the Quick Draw.

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott

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