

Gallery List

Wednesday 19 December 2012

#361 In the field: Cody moose quick-draw, con't . . .

One hour quick-draw studies, such as the close-up of the Cody moose sculpture shown at right in clay, are popular with collectors at art shows.  Loose and spontaneous modeling and the imprint of the sculptor's touch, cast in bronze, are a source of fascination for the viewer.  Go to post #360, Mon. Dec. 17.

Quick-draw sketches can have honesty and vitality, but spontaneity is not possible without knowing the subject. Meaningful form and understood surface passages must be created by the sculptor and not merely loose, sloppy modeling. The more known about the subject, the more the artist can edit, simplify or eliminate.

Loose is how it looks . . . not how it's done.

Cody quick-draw moose study, cast in bronze, in the patina room at the foundry.

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