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Monday 17 December 2012

#360 In the field: Cody moose quick-draw . . .

Over the years, I've done many quick-draw sculptures and some are better than others.  One of my favorites was recently created at the Cody show in Sept. . . See post #319, Sept.26.

Unlike plein air painting, sculpture is typically a studio endeavor . . . warm, sunny conditions can present problems with wax and oil based clay adhering to the armature support.  Furthermore, after the one-hour study is completed, the warm clay model must be transported - in a cooler - to the studio for mold and casting without damage to the structure or surface.

Thirteen of the moose quick-draw studies sold at the Cody auction and I was determined to cast the piece just as it had been modeled . . . with the same spontaneous and vigorous surface and with very little additional "tweaking" after I
returned to the studio.  The castings are enroute to the collectors who requested them by Christmas.

 Below, the Cody quick-draw moose study in the patina room at the foundry

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