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Tuesday 27 August 2019

#716 "Cat Goddess"

"Cat Goddess"
18"H 6"W 9"D
Edition 35

Trish and I have a cat named Ziggy.  She is a stray Jellico who appeared 
17 years ago on a snowy winter’s night at the studio in Wyoming.

Cats are similar in anatomy to all quadrupeds and vertebrates but have extreme 
flexibility and mobility. The cat’s forelimbs are attached to the shoulder in such 
a way that they can pass through any space into which they can fit their head.  
Interestingly unlike most mammals cats walk with a “pacing” gait.; they move two
 legs on one side of the body before the legs on the other.   When they speed up to a 
trot their gait changes to a diagonal gait similar to most other mammals.

When we get another cat, we’ll name her Pacer. 

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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