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Monday 14 December 2015

#690 Deer antlers

Male members of the deer family, including moose and elk,
grow antlers which are extensions of the skull.
Their main purpose is to attract females and to fight
other males.  Antlers and shed and grow back every year.
When a buck is growing antlers, they are referred to as being
in "velvet".  Along with moose and elk, the two other deer
species found in Wyoming are Mule Deer and Whitetail.

Below are etchings showing the difference between a Mule Deer and Whitetail buck's antlers.
Notice the points on a muley's antlers split and fork in two directions while a Whitetail
 buck's antler points grow off of one main beam and do not fork.

Mule Deer

Whitetail Deer

Below, is an etching of a Mule Deer entitled, "The Itch".

Below, is a little oil study in progress of a Whitetail buck.

Below is a sculpture of a Whitetail Deer
"Swamp Buck"
15"H 13"W 6"D
Edition 65

Below is a sculpture head study of a Whitetail Deer
"Whitetail Bust"
14"H 8"W 6"D

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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