

Gallery List

Monday 12 October 2015

#681 NSS 82nd Awards Exhibition at Brookgreen Gardens

Last week, Trish and I were at Brookgreen Gardens in Murrell's Inlet, South Carolina and attended the
82nd Annual Awards Exhibition of the National Sculpture Society which will be on view until Nov. 1.
The juried show features the figurative works of 57 contemporary sculptors and features a variety of subject 
matter and media and represents the diverse styles, backgrounds, and disciplines of NSS members.

Fellows (FNSS), Elected Members (NSS), and Associates make up the levels of sculptor membership of the organization, which is international in scope and appeal.  Hundreds of artists apply to the juried competition which offers awards, medals, and thousands of dollars in cash prizes.  For more info contact:

The Jury of Selection, comprised of two NSS members and one curator, chose the 57 works from hundreds of entries.
A separate Jury of Awards convened after the show was installed and selected the prize winners.

Below, are images of my entry, "Ancient Passage"  with the catalogue remarque.
Last week I was informed that "Ancient Passage" won the Marilyn Newmark Memorial Award
for a realistic sculpture done in the classical tradition.  I'm delighted to receive this meaningful award . . .
I met Marilyn Newmark shortly before her death and have been an admirer of her work for many years.

Artist's Remarque:
"Our Morgan gelding was used as the model for "Ancient Passage".  My goal was to idealize the animal and
 create a powerful image.  I am preoccupied with modeling horses and consciously stylize my designs.
My obsession with modeling horses continues to lay a thorough foundation for my art, just as playing scales
does for a musician.  In my opinion, horses and the human figure are the most difficult subjects to transform
 into a visual expression - perhaps it is because they are both so beautiful".

For information about all of the additional awards and medals, go to the NSS website.
There will be an awards ceremony and celebration on Oct. 31st at Brookgreen.

National Sculpture Society was founded in New York City in 1893 by a group of America's most prominent sculptors.
Its members have created much of this country's public sculpture, coins, and medals since the late 1800s.
It is the oldest organization of professional sculptors in America and has been hosting exhibitions for over a century.

Brookgreen Gardens was founded by Archer and Anna Hyatt Huntington in 1931 and today is a National Historic Landmark and Museum with the most extensive collection of figurative sculpture by American artists in the world.

Go to the BLOG INDEX and Reference Page for more information.  

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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