

Gallery List

Wednesday 2 September 2015

#674 Functional Art . . . "African Elephant Bookends"

Over the years I've created many bookend compositions - over 30 at last count - and most of the designs 
present the subject emerging from mass.   My most recent creation, "African Elephant Bookends", 
is one of my favorite sculptures of functional art.  The work was created in one sitting - 2 to 4 hours - and my intent was to model a spontaneous, loose, and inspired surface while maintaining the general impression, size and shape of the animal.
I will discuss the merits and faults of one-sitting clay sketches and loose modeling in an upcoming blog.

Below, are images of the clay model of "African Elephant Bookends" in progress.

I modeled only one bookend but cast it twice to create the pair . . . below, is an image of the bronze casting of
 "African Elephant Bookends".  Not all one-sitting sculptures are worthy of casting but this one was.

"African Elephant Bookends"
9"H 14"L 8"D

Go to the BLOG INDEX and Reference Page for more information.  
See post #616

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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