

Gallery List

Sunday 5 April 2015

#623 Briscoe Museum, "Night of the Artists" and horses, con't . . .

This post spotlights The Briscoe Museum's Night of the Artists Show that was held in San Antonio last weekend.
The exhibition showcased over 60 of the country's top Western artists and is the museum's largest fundraiser.
Trish and I attended and enjoyed good sales at the fun-filled gala and sale.  San Antonio is among our favorite cities.

The museum is located on the famed downtown Riverwalk.  The building where the collection is housed is an
award-winning restoration of an art deco masterpiece built during the early 1900s and was the vision
of Jack and Valerie Geunther and the family of former Texas governor, Dolph Briscoe.

Trustee and show chairman, Jessica Elliott, the new director, Tom Livesay, and everyone
connected with the great museum, always make the weekend one of our favorite destinations.

Tom Browning's painting, "Stirin' it Up" graced this year's catalogue cover and the museum purchased the painting.
This year's Briscoe Legacy Award Honoree for lifetime achievement in the arts was David Halbach.  Previous recipients are Howard Terpning, Clark Hulings,  G. Harvey, Kent Ullberg, Ken Carlson, Martin Grelle, Bill Owen, and yours truly.

Every year, it's great seeing old friends and collectors and meeting new ones.  I must add that the
food, drink, live-band entertainment, and hospitality at the Briscoe is tops . . . memorable times enjoying great art!
The Briscoe Museum and sculpture garden is a must for art lovers . . . join us next year!
The show will be exhibited through April 26.  For more info:  210.299.4499

Below, I'm with Veerla and Kent Ullberg.  Kent is a great sculptor and a valued friend.

Below, Trish is with our friend, Merry Nebecker and friend and fellow sculptor Blair Buswell and his wife, Julie.
Merry is the wife of CAA (Cowboy Artists of America) president, sculptor Bill Nebecker.
They are fantastic "boot-scootin'" dancers and wowed the crowd after last Saturday night's sale!

I had the opportunity to revisit the Briscoe Equine Gates that were commissioned and created in 2013 and installed last year.  The gates remain among my all-time favorite works and I'm forever indebted to the Guenthers and Jessica Elliott
for the opportunity to actualize the project with complete and total artistic freedom.  The enormous panels were created
in my Wyoming studio headquarters, cast in bronze, and attached to the stainless steel gates on site.

Below,  are images of the gates at the entrance to the Jack Guenther Pavilion and Sculpture Garden
at the Briscoe Museum taken last weekend at Night of the Artists. The lighting at night creates a dramatic effect.

Next Wednesday's blog will continue the series that started with blog # 616 about the horse.
The focus of the blog will be the thought process and goals during the creation of
the Briscoe Equine Gates including design and anatomical considerations.

Go to the BLOG INDEX on the right for more information.

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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