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Sunday 21 December 2014

#593 The Greeks, fragments, Rodin, Barye, and influence . . . con't

Please start this series of blogs with # 584 . . . posted Nov. 19, 2014
The focus of this blog is art history . . . specifically fragments, the Greeks, Rodin, Barye, and modern art.
This post concludes a series of blogs about the influence of artists of the past on a living artist.
All blogs starting with November 30 were pre-posted while Trish and I were in Paris.

Artists are often asked:  What has been the biggest influence in your art?
Every artist is influenced by something or someone . . . maybe an instructor, a favorite living or deceased artist or school of art, or even what is perceived as popular and selling well.  Also, throughout an artist's life, many different influences, people, and events continue to affect an artist's creative direction and work.  

On a personal note, I was and am influenced by the art that came before me.  If I had to choose only one school of art . . . it would be Greek art of the Hellenistic and Golden Age.  If I had to choose only one artist,
who early in my career and now, influences me - it is Antoine-Louis Barye [1796 - 1875] .
His knowledge and execution of anatomy is without peer.

Keep in mind, the giants throughout art history such as Rodin were influenced by someone and something.
Rodin was exclusively working for someone else until he was 30 and it was an invaluable learning experience.
Interestingly, Rodin studied briefly under Barye and while he was a powerful artist, Barye was lacking as a teacher and Rodin entered the studio of Carrier-Belleuse [1824 - 1887].

While Barye was a sculptor of animals, Rodin was a sculptor of the human figure.  Rodin had a desire to create an equestrian monument and in 1886 modeled the sculpture entitled "Maquette of General Lynch'" shown below and at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.  The monument was never realized and later Rodin conjoined part of the horse to a nude female figure and created another sculptural statement.


Below, are photos taken at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York of "Panther Seizing a Stag" by Bayre.

I've experienced many influences over the years both in printmaking and in sculpture.  I parrot the advice of my friend,
the late Bob Kuhn when asked by my students - "How do you make it as an artist today?"   Kuhn's advice: . . .
Go to as many galleries, shows, and openings as you can; read as many art magazines as you can and
find out what's out there and what's being done . . . then do something else.   

For me, the Greeks and ancients continue to be the source of influence and inspiration.
I feel a need to go directly to the freshness of the ancients in search of their mysteries.
 I'm always learning, and while fascinated by the beauty of Rodin's surfaces . . .
my ongoing struggle continues to be refining the craft and a search for inner beauty and essence of the subject.

 This blog ends a series of ten posts regarding a portion of art history and resulting influences.
Importantly, I have found that by turning to nature - the source of all life - and not to other artists' work,
the ultimate  inspiration and influence can be experienced.

Go to the BLOG INDEX on the right for more information. 

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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