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Sunday 12 October 2014

#573 The studio in Canada: Cody quick-draw . . . planning

Last month I modeled a "quick-draw" sculpture depicting a domestic bull at the Buffalo Bill Art Show in Cody, Wyoming.  
For more information about the event and the creation of
the work, go to blog #567, posted on September 21, 2014.

The focus of this blog is my method of
planning and executing a "quick-draw".


Quick-draw paintings and sculptures are popular with collectors at art shows . . . prospective buyers love
seeing artists under pressure to create a "work of art" in an hour.  To prevent your creation from being
a dubious achievement and to make the "quick-draw" experience interesting and rewarding for
both you and the collector, your success ratio dramatically improves with sufficient planning.

I've participated in many "quick-draws" over the years and my most successful efforts have been achieved
by modeling subjects that I am very familiar with or of subjects I had recently worked with.

While a live model can be beneficial, with only an hour to work . . . many times they are simply a distraction
unless there's a handler and several artists are working from the same model.  Also, the animal rarely strikes the
gesture or pose you wish to present . . .  especially birds.   I've found that a live model works best for painters.

A drawing or even a few lines such as shown below will keep you focused.

Below is an image of the "quick-draw" in progress.

When planning your creation, keep the design simple 
and present a strong silhouette of the figure.  I try to 
squint down on my work, eliminate unimportant detail, 
and strive to make the species of the animal recognizable 
from a distance.  This is especially important when 
the clay model is shown to the auction audience and a strong impression must be made from he stage and from a distance. 

Earlier this year I modeled another domestic bull and 
cast it for the Cody show.  The anatomy and overall 
"feel" of the subject had already been researched and 
addressed so it was logical for me to create another 
design of the animal at the "quick-draw".  
Although smaller, I used a similar pose, gesture, 
and overall dynamic of the original design.

Shown below, is the catalogue entry created earlier this year that 
was sold in this year's Cody show entitled, "Taurus Rex".

Taurus Rex
19"H 16"W 8"D

After the "quick-draw," painters sign their work and the winning bidder takes their treasure home.
Sculptors must return to the studio with their creation, make a mold and cast the clay model in bronze.
Multiple castings are available to sell at the auction which typically makes it a cost-effective proposition for the sculptor.

Below, are images of the "quick-draw" clay model ready to mold at the Canadian island studio last week.
I have repaired damage and dings to the soft clay model that occurred during transport from Wyoming.

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For a complete list of the blog index go to the Index Page and
type the subject in the Search This Blog link on the upper right.

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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