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Sunday 28 September 2014

#569 "Spirit of the Wild Things", con't . . . pelicans

Please go to the previous blog for more information about this series of posts.

It's a cold, overcast, and blustery morning at the island studio on
Lake of the Woods in Ontario . . . a perfect time for the warmth of
a birch fire and reflecting upon times past at the cabin.

Seventeen years ago, Trish and I spent the months of late summer and fall here pouring over my journals and compiling 46 stories and musings for Susan Hallsten McGarry to organize into a publication about my work entitled "Spirit of the Wild Things".  Her superb writing and editing, along with forwards by Bill Kerr and Bob Kuhn, and
essays by Robin Salmon and Brooks Joyner, resulted in a book that was introduced on the occasion of the 1998 Gilcrease Museum Retrospective of my work. 

Many of the stories were inspired by time spent in Canada since my youth . . . exploring and learning.
The book chronicles early work and summarizes A lifelong love of animals and the outdoors.
Below, is another story taken from an early journal and included in the book.

Pelicans . . .  from the book entitled, "Spirit of the Wild Things - The Art of Sandy Scott".

From May to mid-October I live and 
work at the studio in my cabin.
I load up supplies and books and head 
north when the ice goes out - 
I go to my source where new and familiar 
adventure waits.  What anticipation!

When summer days of exploring are gone I'm 
always overwhelmed by memories of younger times,
yet I know that the past is as vital as the 
leaves that break down into the soil.

I note the pelican's absence and the loon's 
rich black color change to a dull gray . . . 
whispering wings fly overhead.  
The beautiful Colorado winter is waiting and 
there's work to be realized in the studio there.

The golden days are to be savored.  
Every yellow birch leaf reminds me it's 
autumn . . . it's time to close up and go south.  
Spring will come.

Below, is an image of Pelican Bookends . . . created in the early 90s.

Below, is an image of an original etching created for the back cover of Gray's Sporting Journal in 1981.

Below, are images of drawings from my sketchbook.

Below, is a photo taken yesterday across the bay from the island.  Although the color looks enhanced . . . it is not.
  The fall color this year is stunning,

Go to the BLOG INDEX on the right for more information. 

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

Wednesday 24 September 2014

#568 "Spirit of the Wild Things" . . . my island

After the Cody show (see the previous 2 posts), Trish and I returned to the island studio on Lake of the Woods in Ontario.  The studio is seasonal and must be drained and closed in the late fall and opened in the spring when the ice goes out.  We spend as much time at the lake as possible during those months as it is the source and inspiration for my work.

I'm a journal keeper and have been for as long as I can remember.  Almost twenty years ago a book about
my work was published which included thoughts and musings from the journals. . . many of the stories are
about time spent at the island studio on Lake of the Woods.

 Below, is an excerpt from the Stony Press publication, entitled Spirit of the Wild Things.

www.//Spirit of the Wild Things

My Island . . . from the book entitled, "Spirit of the Wild Things"

The most important days of one's life are spent when one is young for that is when the foundation of what comes
later is laid.  My parents laid that foundation by taking me to Canada.  Later in life I bought a cabin on the
north end of an island across the bay from Red Deer Lodge which we had visited many years earlier.

My island on Lake of the Woods in Ontario, Canada holds a special place in my heart.  It represents a place
of solitude where loons call, eagles cry from high pine limbs and moose thrive in bog and muskeg.
It is flooded with memories of spring portages, of summers fishing for walleyed pike
and warm autumn days hunting ruffed grouse on lonely logging roads.  

Above all, this place is my source:  Ravens, jays, pelicans, partridge, ducks, geese, beaver, fox, squirrel,
wolf, deer, kingfishers, otter, mink, mergansers, cormorants, osprey, herons, gulls, woodpeckers,
black bear,  and the ever present loons and eagles are common in this rugged, watery wilderness.
I've experience these creatures in their domain as the seasons change for my island has given
me a choice seat from which to observe them and the wonders of the great Northland.

Sound of the North Country
4 1/4" X 8
An original etching by Sandy Scott

Lake of the Woods is enormous . . over 70 miles long and wide with thousands of islands and bays.  Most of the lake is in Ontario but parts of it are in Manitoba and northern Minnesota.  Below, is a view of the bay where my island is located.

Below, is a picture taken this rainy morning from the deck of the studio, looking north.

Below, a birch fire takes the chill out of the air on a rainy morning.

Below, is a picture of the boat house and sign taken from the deck on a calm morning.

Below, the sculpture entitled Moose Junction, was started at the cabin studio a few years ago and completed
this year for introduction at the National Museum of Wildlife Art Western Visions show earlier this month.
A locker and game processor is across the bay from our place and quality time was
spent there observing anatomy while hunters brought in deer and moose during hunting season.

Below, is a drawing of the birch tree outside the studio window.

To learn more about the subjects go to the links below.

For a complete list of the blog index go to the Index Page and
type the subject in the Search This Blog link on the upper right.

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

Sunday 21 September 2014

#567 Art shows: "Buffalo Bill Art Show" . . . 2014

I attend several museum sponsored and juried art shows during the year and this weekend marked the
33rd Annual Buffalo Bill Art Show and Sale.  Held at the prestigious Buffalo Bill Historical Center in
Cody, Wyoming and surrounded by the majesty of the Greater Yellowstone Region, the celebrated art
show, sale, and quick draw is one of the West's most popular art destinations.
Buffalo Bill Museum

Below, is an image of my sculpture in this year's exhibition . . . Taurus Rex

"Taurus Rex"
19"H 16"W 8"D
Ed 21

Shown below, is this year's honored guest:  Jim Wilcox.  Jim is one of the West's most accomplished landscape
painters and is recognized for his depiction of the beauty of his Wyoming home . . .  the Grand Tetons.
Jim and Narda have been friends for many years and Trish and I cherish their friendship.


Below, are images of Friday night's auction, gala, banquet, and festivities . . . always a jam-packed and well-attended
event in a gigantic party tent on the museum grounds.  I'm shown with the popular and illustrious
Alan Simpson - former Wyoming Senator and resident of Cody; and with Dustin Payne - an accomplished
young sculptor of Western subjects who I've known since he was a child.

Collectors love the excitement of a quick draw, and the Cody show presents a fast-paced and popular event for art lovers. Saturday morning, painters and sculptors are given one hour to create a work of art and must start with blank canvas and blank armature material.  Over 40 painters and sculptors participated in this year's event.  The horn sounds and the artists have one hour to give it their best shot!  The work is then auctioned off in the party tent that afternoon.

Below, my quick draw subject this year was a bull entitled, Bullish.  Collectors love seeing the process of creating paintings and sculpture.  A quick draw must be planned carefully before starting a sculpture and modeling in front of a crowd for an hour:  The larger shapes are massed in first with an emphasis on spontaneity and elimination of unimportant detail . . .
a clear, simplified silhouette must dominate the design.

Shown below, is Jim Wilcox painting a wonderful composition with aspens.

To learn more about the subjects go to the links below.

For a complete list of the blog index go to the Index Page and
type the subject in the Search This Blog link on the right.

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

Wednesday 17 September 2014

#566 Art shows: "Western Visions Wild 100" . . . 2014

Last weekend the National Museum of Wildlife Art in
Jackson, Wyoming presented Western Visions Wild 100 Exhibition and Sale.  One hundred artists were chosen
this year in an event that combined well established
artists and emerging talent . . . traditional and
contemporary approaches to wildlife art were showcased
during Jackson's annual September celebration of the arts.

The exhibition closes October 26 and can be viewed online:  

The "Wild 100" was an exciting event at one of America's most prestigious
museums and in one of our country's most beautiful places.

Below, are images of the work I exhibited in this year's show.

Moose Junction
19"H 19"W 10"D

Trail Creek Elk
13"H 14"W 9"D

Yellowstone Moose
15" x 13"

Mule Deer, Moose, Whitetail

Below, are images of Western Vision memories.
My Moose Flats sculpture is on the museum's sculpture trail . . . silhouetted above the National Elk Refuge.

Below, I'm with friends Veerla Ullberg, Don Rambadt,
Joshua Rose - publisher and editor of "Western Art Collector magazine, Lyn St. Claire, and Kent Ullberg.

Below,  Trish enjoys a cup of coffee at the artist's breakfast and in the distance are artist friends
Tucker Smith, Tim Shinabarger, Walt Matia, and Jim Morgan.

Below, Tim Shinabarger is telling me about his recent hunt in Alaska while
 Mick and Katrina Doellinger converses with Pete Zaluzek.

Below, is an image of my Presidential Eagle Monument on the
National Museum of Wildlife Art Sculpture Trail.

Go to the BLOG INDEX on the right for more information. 

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

Sunday 14 September 2014

#565 Art shows: "Birds in Art" 2014, con't . . .

Please see the previous blog for more information about Birds in Art.

After the Birds in Art exhibition closes at Leigh Yawkey Woodson Museum 
in ten weeks, a selected portion of the show will tour the following museums:

Museum of the Gulf Coast, Port Arthur, Texas (Dec 5, 2014 - Feb 15, 2015);
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson (Apr 4 - May 24, 2015);
The Wilder Museum, Solvang, California (Jun 13 - Aug10, 2015);
Newington-Cropsey Foundation, Hastings on the Hudson, New York (Sept. 1 - Oct 23, 2015);
Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa, Oklahoma (Nov 22, 2015 - Feb 7, 2016).

King of the Coop was selected to tour and was also purchased by the museum for its' permanent collection.

King of the Coop
18"H 18"W 7"D
Ed. 65
Retail 4,200

Birds in Art artists donate 4" X 6" paintings and drawings to a unique museum fundraiser called Project Postcard.  
The small works are offered to artists and collectors for 50.00 each and during the show they are hung together in a locked room.  No one can see them until ticket holders enter the room one at a time to view the work.  Participants 
have only one minute to make their selection and the ticket holders with the lowest number get first choice.  Artist's signatures are on the back and therefore no one knows whose work they are buying for a mere 50.00!  
The funds are used to purchase artwork for the museum's permanent collection.

Below, are images of my two Project Postcard entries. 

Below, Trish selected one of my drawings and I signed it for her as shown.

I went through the line twice and shown below are my selections.  I asked the artist, Debbie Stevens to sign her Whooping Crane painting for me and note the back of the wonderful duckling painting I purchased by Arlene Rheinish for only 50.00!

Another museum innovation involves different artists working on the same painting and then signing the back.
Shown below are Jan Martin McGuire, Chris Bacon, and Robert Bateman taking their turn working on a pelican painting 
at the Saturday festivities for the artists at Hazelhurst . . .  the Leigh Yawkey Woodson family retreat 70 miles north of Wausau on Lake Katherine.  It's my understanding that the painting will be retained by the museum for its' collection.

The hospitality put forth by the staff and volunteers at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Museum is treasured by
all who have participated in Birds in Art over the years.  The museum continues to have the reputation
among artists who attend as the most cordial, gracious, and artist-friendly art exhibition in existence.

To learn more about the subjects go to the links below.

For a complete list of the blog index go to the Index Page and
type the subject in the Search This Blog link on the right.

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

Wednesday 10 September 2014

#564 Art shows: Birds in Art 2014

The Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wausau, Wisconson opened its 39th annual Birds in Art Exhibition last weekend and it will run to November 16.  The prestigious show features art by 112 artists from around the world - 92 juried artists and 20 who have been named Master Artists in previous years by the museum.  Works by the Master Artists includes 15 paintings by the 2014 recipient Barry Van Dusen, who received the Master Wildlife Artist Medal during the opening weekend.

The fun-filled four days was a whirlwind of activey!  Camaraderie with fellow artists, guests, museum staff, and wonderful art, food, entertainment, and all things bird-related insured a fabulous and educational experience.

Below, are images and memories of the 2014 Birds in Art.

Below,  I was informed this week that "King of the Coop" has been purchased by the museum.
I'm delighted to have the sculpture be a part of the Leigh Yawkey Woodson's permanent collection.

King of the Coop
18"H 18"W 7"D
Ed. 65
Retail 4,200

Below, Trish is with Birgit and Robert Bateman at the Friday night opening gala.

Below, I'm with Maynard Reece, legendary sporting artist.

Below, Bateman gave a wonderful demo Saturday morning on the museum grounds . . .
sprinkled with good humor and his thoughts about art.

More about Birds in Art and Leigh Yawkey Woodson Museum in next Sunday's blogpost.

Go to the BLOG INDEX on the right for more information. 

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish