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Wednesday 24 September 2014

#568 "Spirit of the Wild Things" . . . my island

After the Cody show (see the previous 2 posts), Trish and I returned to the island studio on Lake of the Woods in Ontario.  The studio is seasonal and must be drained and closed in the late fall and opened in the spring when the ice goes out.  We spend as much time at the lake as possible during those months as it is the source and inspiration for my work.

I'm a journal keeper and have been for as long as I can remember.  Almost twenty years ago a book about
my work was published which included thoughts and musings from the journals. . . many of the stories are
about time spent at the island studio on Lake of the Woods.

 Below, is an excerpt from the Stony Press publication, entitled Spirit of the Wild Things.

www.//Spirit of the Wild Things

My Island . . . from the book entitled, "Spirit of the Wild Things"

The most important days of one's life are spent when one is young for that is when the foundation of what comes
later is laid.  My parents laid that foundation by taking me to Canada.  Later in life I bought a cabin on the
north end of an island across the bay from Red Deer Lodge which we had visited many years earlier.

My island on Lake of the Woods in Ontario, Canada holds a special place in my heart.  It represents a place
of solitude where loons call, eagles cry from high pine limbs and moose thrive in bog and muskeg.
It is flooded with memories of spring portages, of summers fishing for walleyed pike
and warm autumn days hunting ruffed grouse on lonely logging roads.  

Above all, this place is my source:  Ravens, jays, pelicans, partridge, ducks, geese, beaver, fox, squirrel,
wolf, deer, kingfishers, otter, mink, mergansers, cormorants, osprey, herons, gulls, woodpeckers,
black bear,  and the ever present loons and eagles are common in this rugged, watery wilderness.
I've experience these creatures in their domain as the seasons change for my island has given
me a choice seat from which to observe them and the wonders of the great Northland.

Sound of the North Country
4 1/4" X 8
An original etching by Sandy Scott

Lake of the Woods is enormous . . over 70 miles long and wide with thousands of islands and bays.  Most of the lake is in Ontario but parts of it are in Manitoba and northern Minnesota.  Below, is a view of the bay where my island is located.

Below, is a picture taken this rainy morning from the deck of the studio, looking north.

Below, a birch fire takes the chill out of the air on a rainy morning.

Below, is a picture of the boat house and sign taken from the deck on a calm morning.

Below, the sculpture entitled Moose Junction, was started at the cabin studio a few years ago and completed
this year for introduction at the National Museum of Wildlife Art Western Visions show earlier this month.
A locker and game processor is across the bay from our place and quality time was
spent there observing anatomy while hunters brought in deer and moose during hunting season.

Below, is a drawing of the birch tree outside the studio window.

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Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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