

Gallery List

Sunday 7 September 2014

#563 The island studio in Canada: "First Season Promise", con't . . .

Shown at right is a new sculpture in progress entitled,
"First Season Promise".

Please see the previous post for information regarding this post.

Much can be learned about quadruped anatomy from household pets such as dogs and cats by
simply feeling where the joints move and articulate . . . can't be done on a Grizzly or Cougar!

Over the years, I have collected many books about anatomy that are housed in the library at my Wyoming headquarters. Although I don't keep an extensive library at the cabin studio in Canada, There are several books that are indispensable
. . .  two are shown below, along with a wildlife artists' best friend . . . Zoobooks.

For additional anatomy reference, see posts, #616, and #655
Go to the BLOG INDEX on the right for more information.  See posts #616 and 655

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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