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Wednesday 23 July 2014

#550 In the field: Birthday week . . . fishing

Today,  the sun enters Leo - the fifth sign of the zodiac - and tomorrow is my birthday.
This blogpost has been preposted and as you read it, I will be where I always am during my birthday week: Fishing.
This year,  the dogs, Trish and I are in the Colorado high-country, trout fishing.
We're staying in a little rustic housekeeping cabin near our favorite fishing area.

Most years, we are at the island studio on Lake of the Woods in Ontario, Canada in July but this year, due to
a belated departure to the north country which happens next month, we returned to a place a couple
of hours from our Colorado cabin where I've celebrated July 24th a few times in the past.
One thing is certain . . . when late July comes around, I'll have a rod in my hand!

Below, countless unforgettable outdoor experiences have occurred while on the water and
I yearn for and covet the time spent in wild places . . . it is the source of my creativity.
Happiness is heading out to a favorite fishing spot!

Below, is a photo taken a few years ago while trout fishing in a freezing cold rain at our favorite lake in
northern Colorado on my birthday.  The place is just below timberline and is heavily populated with moose.
These critters sauntered out to feed on the lush grass in the shallows.

One year, a yearling calf became enamored with our little motorhome and every morning while the coffee brewed,
she licked the windshield.  She may have been after the glue on the inspection stickers.  Photos are below.

Another year, we saw this beautiful bull in velvet in the meadow next to camp.

Below, gilled and gutted Brown Trout ready for the frying pan!

Below, is a watercolor painting of a Rainbow Trout.

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Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday greetings Sandy all the way from Australia, I too am a Leo. Enjoy your week. What a beautiful part of the world you live in, very blessed. I have taken my first sculpture to the foundry and if all goes well and I like there work I will take the remaining seven. its been a long journey getting to this point but I'm so excited.
    Kindest regards
