

Gallery List

Sunday 11 May 2014

#529 In the field: Brookgreen Gardens aviary . . . Great Blue Heron

Start this series with  #522,  April 16, 2014.

The Brookgreen cedar swamp aviary has several species of birds in residence including the
Black-crowned Night Heron,  Snowy Egret, Cattle Egret, White Ibis, and Great Blue Heron.
Below, is a photo of a Snowy Egret and a Great Blue Heron.

During my stay at Brookgreen in South Carolina last month, I spent many hours photographing, sketching,
and observing the birds in the enclosed aviary environment  . . .  it was a bird artist's dream!
The birds were used to humans and could be relied upon to carry on with their habits
such as preening, feeding,  resting, nesting, socializing, etc. in a natural manner.

Below, sketching in the aviary . . . Black-crowned Night Herons in the foreground. . . Great Blue's not visible.

This blog focuses on images of the Great Blue Heron:  The bird is enormous - 6 to 7 foot wingspan - and is one of my favorite subjects.  The long, decorative feathers on the head and neck present beautiful and elegant components
for the artist to design with.  They are a shy bird and stayed hidden most of the many hours I spent in the aviary.
I persevered and was able to photograph and sketch the graceful creature on several occasions . . .
mostly early morning and late afternoon.

Below, are sketches and photos of the magnificent Great Blue Heron.

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Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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