

Gallery List

Sunday 2 March 2014

#509 In the library . . . treasures

Over the years I've met many wonderful and interesting people . . . 
among the most memorable are the fine artists whose paths I've been fortunate to cross.
It's been my experience that the bigger the artist's name is in the art world . . .
the bigger that person is as a human being.

Below, are a few treasures I've collected and as you can see,  all are personalized. 
They all have special meaning and bring back memories of times past.
I treasure the art and I treasure the artists.

The two paintings below are by master artist, Richard Schmid.
I bought the first one (below) at the Northwest Rendezvous "quick-draw" and later, after he and 
Nancy moved to Colorado where I was living, we swapped art.  I received the painting, 
"Jackie" which is in his new book and he and Nancy have my sculpture, "Mallard Duet".  
One evening, they came to dinner and surprised me with a painting of the sculpture which I treasure.

Below, are images of the title page from G. Harvey's book entitled,
"Taking Stock: Paintings and Sculpture by G. Harvey", published in 1986.
When Gerald sent the book, I was delighted to discover an exquisite little 
watercolor next to his remark and signature. 

The drawing below is by Howard Terpning.  He and his wife, Marlies, have several of my outdoor 
sculptures in their courtyard in Tucson . . . this treasured drawing was a gift following installation.

The painting below is by one of the nicest and most talented people I know . . . 
the one and only Dan Gerhartz.  I met Dan and Jen very early in his career and purchased 
this painting while it was still wet in Jackson, Wyoming. . . note the bugs in the paint.

The drawing below is by the incomparable, Bob Kuhn.  I had the great experience of being in Alaska for two 
weeks with Bob and a group of wildlife artists in 1989 and we became friends. Over the years, 
I collected many of his outstanding drawings and I miss him, his wit, and his superlative talent.

Below, is one of the greatest treasures in my library . . . personalized by the author, Tony Dyer;
the publisher of Winchester Press, Jim Rikhoff;  the president (at the time) of Game Conservation International, 
Harry Tennison;  and the illustrator, Bob Kuhn.  The many drawings are superb!  
Yes - it's true - I am the caretaker of this magnificent tome . . . a first edition, published in 1973.

After traveling to Africa for the first time last fall . . . 
Oh, what I would give to visit with Bob about his many adventures in Africa!

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For a complete list of the blog index go to the Index Page and 
type the subject in the Search This Blog link on the right.

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish Smith


  1. I really appreciate your blog today, and I do other days as well. I have collected only four pieces of art from wonderful artists but now know it is important to really get "with it". I needed to hear what you had to say today. Thank you.

  2. Thank you, Carol. So happy you are enjoying the posts!
