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Sunday 19 January 2014

#497 In the field: photography in Africa

Please start this series of posts with #477 

The recent trip to Africa was the most productive and exciting "in the field" experience of my life.  Productive, because we returned with over 20,000 digital photos of animals we had never seen before in the wild . . . we are still going through and editing them.  Most important . . . I returned with motivation, inspiration, and urgency, that I have never felt.  There was not a moment in the field that we could put our cameras down because we encountered so many animals and there was so much action.  While on safari Trish and I each had two cameras with us at all times in addition to a little pocket camera we called our "mouse cameras" and fresh back-up batteries for all.  We both relied on our telephoto zoom lens for the many close-ups that are proving to be invaluable in the creation of sculpture.

The images presented in this post are currently being used in the studio as reference for several lion and elephant sculptures in progress.  As mentioned in previous posts about the African adventure, a sculptor must collect reference and data regarding detail, texture, form, proportion, and more to create sculpture.  However,  the only way an artist can connect with their subject is the up-close and personal, "in the field" experience with the animal itself.

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish Smith

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