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Wednesday 9 October 2013

#468 In the field: Yellowstone . . . epilogue

After the Cody show last month - see post # 463, Sept. 22 -  We entered Yellowstone through the east entrance on a beautiful fall day and enjoyed a field trip.  The magnificent park is close to home and is a great resource for observing, sketching and photographing wildlife in their natural habitat.

The trip proved to be very productive . . . particularly regarding one of my favorite subjects:  Moose.
We spent two hours along the Lamar River with a young bull, cow, and two yearlings - 
see post # 464, Sept. 25. 

Below is a page from my sketchbook.

An incoming snowstorm cut our visit short and the day after our return home, we woke up to 10 inches
 of snow.  We live at the base of the Wind River Range on the Popo Agie River, which flows into the Wind River, which eventually flows into the Yellowstone River.  The Winds are an integral part of the greater Yellowstone ecosystem.

Below, is my little design studio . . . separate from the main studio, we call it the Christmas Cabin.
The rustic little cabin has electricity, is located a few feet above the Popo Agie, and is my private getaway.
Note, the leaves have not turned yet and the limbs bend under the heavy, early snow.

Below, a scene from the deck . . . the Popo Agie River flows past  our home and studios.
A snow-laden tree has fallen into the river not far from the Christmas Cabin.

Below, using reference and inspiration gathered on the Yellowstone field trip, I work on a moose sculpture 
in front of the pot-bellied stove on a snowy day, with Penny, our Brittany. 

Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandy,what a lovely setting, full of beauty and inspiration. It must be beautiful at Christmas time. In Australia where I live Christmas is very hot, but I always imagine a white Christmas. And of course your sculpture of the moose looks great. I'm continuing to work on my wax sculptures, It use to bother me that it takes me so long to complete a piece, then I read a saying 'It doesn't matter if your slow, it only matters that you don't stop' I enjoy your blog, as I'm only in the infant stages of my journey with bronze, you have really encouraged me. Have a great week. Kind regards Elizabeth,
