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Sunday 28 July 2013

#447: In the studio: Live models and comparative anatomy

I use domestic animals and pets as live models.  Although we also have wild animals such as deer, pheasants, ducks, fox and more on the property, they cannot be called upon to pose when needed.  However, domestic animals can substitute for wild animals and give the artist needed information by using comparative anatomy.

Currently in residence at the Lander studio headquarters are horses, dogs, cats, rabbits, chickens, and domestic geese. A few weeks ago, in a "be careful what you wish for moment",  I expressed an interest in owning goats. Besides being an additional model,  goats are easy keepers, eat weeds, and horses like them as companions.

Last week was my birthday and I was presented with two baby goats as a gift.  I'm planning a trip to Africa this
fall and know that a quadruped, such as a goat, makes an excellent model because of the similarity to wildlife
such as antelope.

Below is a photo of my two new baby goats.

There are over 90 species of antelope in Africa . . .  owning a goat and employing comparative anatomy will offer a great alternative to the various species of antelope when I return from Africa with field drawings and photographs. Although proportion and form can be vastly different, goats have similar anatomical features as antelope and most other quadrupeds.

Below is a line drawing from my sketchbook . . . created several years ago from a live model.

Below is a sculpture completed several years ago from a live model.

8"H 10"W 3"D

All drawings and sculpture copyright Sandy Scott

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