

Gallery List

Wednesday 5 June 2013

#432 In the studio: Bird anatomy, con't . . .

Please start this bird anatomy series with post #403, March 10.

A sculptor knows that drawing strengthens observations skills.
Understanding the subject enables the sculptor to see, draw, and model the animal.
Furthermore, drawing forces careful observation causing the sculptor to
understand and know the creature.
Painters paint what they see . . . sculptors sculpt what they know.

Below, is a sculpture of an owl.
The sculptor must break the figure down into basic shapes.
Regardless of how complicated the animal appears . . . train yourself to see the big shapes first.

Marauder of the Night
14"H 8"W 6"D
Copyright - Sandy Scott

Below, is a watercolor tinted etching of an owl.
Through drawing, the sculptor transforms an intangible idea into an understood design.

Below, is a oil study of an owl, painted from life at the Brookgreen Gardens Zoo.
The sculptor must be the perpetual student . . .
and never stop experimenting, seeking, and taking chances.

All sculpture, drawings, painting, and etchings - copyright Sandy Scott

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