

Gallery List

Wednesday 29 May 2013

#430 In the studio: Bird anatomy, con't . . .

Please start this bird anatomy series with post #403, March 10.

Birds' feet have very different shapes and sizes, a reflection of the many ways which birds make their living.
Most birds have only four toes, and the toes show many adaptations to the bird's way of life . . .
such as swimming, climbing, grasping, wading, walking, perching, etc.

Below, are drawings depicting eight different types of birds' feet.

Depicted below is the foot of a bird of prey.  It is equipped with long talons
and are so adapted to grasping prey that the birds have trouble walking.

Below, is another view (see previous post) of Artful Angler, showing the distinctive shape of the pelican's foot.
The sculptor who understands that each individual species has unique shapes and characteristics is able to create work that expresses distinct gesture, pose, and personality.
The goal of the artist is to leave the world of specimens and create art.
Although every shape is important, the bird's feet have the potential to
express more individuality than perhaps any other element.

Below is a recent sculpture entitled After the Hunt - Pheasant Still Life.  
Note the placement of the birds foot . . . note the sentiment and effect realized by the simple gesture.

After the Hunt - Pheasant Stiff Life
29"H 19"W 4"D

All sculpture - copyright Sandy Scott

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