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Wednesday 20 March 2013

#407 In the studio: Bird anatomy, con't . . .

Please start this bird anatomy series with post #403, March 10.

The breast bone, also called the "keel" or the sternum, serves as an anchor for the enormous 
pectoral or breast muscles.  Envision a chicken's white breast meat  . . . these are the pectoral 
muscles and they are located directly under the wings.

The pectoral girdle forms the socket for the head of the humerus and creates the shoulder of the bird.  
The coracoid extends from the front end of the scapula to the sternum (breast bone), and forms a strong,  
"tripod-like" brace for the wings.  Humans have only a tiny bone in this region that corresponds to the coracoid process. 

Below is a drawing of a bird's pectoral girdle showing the wing attachment to the coracoid. . .
notice the clavicle or "wishbone" in front of the "keel" or sternum.

Drawing, copyright - Sandy Scott

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