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Friday 4 January 2013

#370 In the studio: "Striding Cougar" mold

Before the cougar can be cast in bronze, a rubber mold must be made from the original clay model.  After the mold is made,
the original clay model is typically discarded and the clay is recovered for future use.  Shown at right is the first of five coats of liquid rubber being brushed on the clay model.

Note . . . each coat is allowed to harden or cure before the next coat is applied.

Shown below, is the sculpture with the first coat of rubber applied.  The first coat is called the "print coat" 
and is thinner than the other four coats . . .  resulting in more detail being picked up by the rubber.

Shown below, is the shimming process and the application of the thick shim coat.  
This is necessary to separate both sides of the mold after the wax is poured. 

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