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Monday 31 December 2012

#368 In the studio: Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute is the official state dog of Alaska and its history can be traced back 3000 years to the
Kobuk Inupiat tribe of upper western Alaska.  Originally bred for use as a sled dog, the large brown eyed dog is often mistaken for the smaller, blue eyed husky.  The breed is fond of people and is a sought-after family house dog.

My nephew owns a Malamute named Cailan and shown below is a drawing of his beloved dog.


  1. Hi Sandy,
    These are beautiful. I also have a Mal (my 2nd) and they are wonderful pets.

  2. Nicely done Sandy! As you well know, I share my home with Alaskan Malamutes. This drawing exemplifies one of the many things I admire about your art. You have yet again shown that rare ability to capture the very essence of your subject. Here is undoubtedly the heart and soul of the breed shining through Cailan's eyes. Beautiful!

  3. Denise,
    This comment means so much to me as a fellow dog lover. I know how you love the Malamute breed. Thank you for your friendship.
