

Gallery List

Monday 19 November 2012

#345 In the field: Cabin life, con't . . .

Walleye are excellent table fare and when we are at the Canadian cabin on Lake of the Woods, Trish and I love to walleye fish in the fall.  We leave the warm cabin on sunny,
crisp days to not only catch our supper but to experience the abundant wildlife that abounds on the enormous, remote lake.

My sketch book and camera is always with me and over the years, I've relied on the reference gathered in this beautiful
area that I know so well.

Cold weather walleye fishing on Lake of the Woods: Trish with a 22 incher

Fishing puts me in touch with another of nature's species, 
in beautiful surroundings, that are as old as time.
That is where I want to be;
this is how I am renewed.
                                                        - Joan Salvato Wulff

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