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Thursday 15 November 2012

#343 In the field: Grouse, con't . . .

Most of our diet consists of wild game . . . venison and upland birds such as quail, pheasant, and grouse.  We have headquarters in Wyoming and a seasonal cabin/studio in the Canadian woods; both provide ample hunting in the fall. 
Shown at right, Trish holds three plump Ruffed Grouse.  

Beyond table fare and the wonderful experience of working with a bird dog is the opportunity to gather in-the-field reference for my art.  Hunting furnishes first-hand knowledge in the fall; coupled with a sketchbook and camera during the rest of the year, this combination has been my method of observation, experience, and adventure in all of my years as an outdoors woman and artist.     

Below is a great recipe for upland birds.  These birds are non-migrants and therefore, have white breast meat.

In a cast iron skillet, using butter or bacon fat, brown bird breasts and legs that have been dredged in flour, salt, and pepper.  After browning, add a prepared sauce such as mushroom soup, Ragu alfredo or four-cheese sauce.  Cover, simmer until cooked but not dry . . . usually less than an hour depending on the size of the bird.  During the last few minuets of cooking, stir in a cup or so of sour cream.  Can be served with steamed potatoes (as shown), rice, or poured over pasta.  Also, I've varied this method by adding either mushrooms, onion, capers, or parmesan cheese.  

Serve with Caesar salad, a tart side-sauce such as cranberry, and crusty bread.  
Don't forget a dry white wine such as sauvignon blanc.  

Original watercolor-tinted etching . . .  copyright, Sandy Scott

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