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Friday 9 November 2012

#340 Throw on another log: Figurative essence, Part II

Organize all elements of the composition to capture and communicate the distinctive and individual characteristic that is typical of, or unique to that subject . . . focus on body shape, proportion, behavior, structure, movement, and the subtle (or profound) difference from one species to another.

In my ongoing search for seizing the ESSENCE and creating art, I have found that experiencing the animal in the field and in its natural habitat is the only way to achieve and find the unmistakable individuality.  The delicate balance of science and art requires personal experience and most important of all . . . passion.
After returning from the field, see post #338 & 337, NOV. 3 & 5 
. . . this image was simply  "branded" upon my memory.

Field study  - 6 x 8 oil

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