

Gallery List

Monday 5 November 2012

#338 In the field: Moose, con't . . .

The most important days of one's life are spent when one is young for that is when the foundation of what comes later in life is laid.  My parents laid that foundation by taking me to Lake of the Woods, in Ontario, Canada as a youngster.

Later in life, I bought a cabin on the north end of an island across the bay from the lodge where we stayed many years earlier.  Trish and I enjoy spending time at the cabin/studio . . . especially in the fall. The isolated and remote island location affords the solitude needed for inspired and thoughtful work.

Last month, after returning to the cabin from a moose hunt - see post #337 Nov. 3 - I was flooded with ideas and creative energy.  Although I have several sculpture projects in progress here, I felt a need for the immediacy of painting an oil study of the fieldwork gathered on the hunt.

 Island from the air, retuning from the moose hunt

Fireplace inside cabin

Working on the painting 

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