

Gallery List

Saturday 10 December 2011

#103 In the Studio: New equestrian sculpture in progress . . .con't

Full moon last night:  
December moon is called 
the Cold Moon  
and there was a total eclipse 
early this morning.

The new equestrian sculpture mold must be started today
 and in the foundry next week or it will not be cast in time
 for the Autry Masters Show in February.  
If I did not have deadlines, 
I'm confident that the modeling and "tweaking" would never end.  

The process, not the end work, is the most important thing for the artist.
         - Georgia O'Keeffe

Note: The etching link from is being redesigned and is temporarily offline

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Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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