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Wednesday 16 November 2011

#85 In the studio: Leaving the Canada camp and studio . . .

Our boathouse at daybreak
This morning we woke up to bitter cold and snow.  It's clearing
and calm and a skim of ice will form by tomorrow.  We must take care of last minute closing tasks and be off the island by mid-morning.

My father died 20 years ago on this day.  An hour before dark last night Trish and I went to his favorite spot across from the island and caught a couple of nice walleye.  We honored him and his memory by cooking a walleye breakfast before leaving.  What I would have given to have caught those fish with him.

The north country experience was a gift he gave me.

We left the moose sculpture out overnight so the soft oil based clay could firm up for transport

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Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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