

Gallery List

Thursday 20 October 2011

#59 Remarque: "Whitetail" . . .

Seeing things first hand or "being there" is vital to the wildlife artist.  Sometimes being there causes things to happen - sometimes things happen because you've been there.

As a young woman out of art school and undecided about where to go in the arts, I had the privilege of "being there" by tagging along with my father in the wilds of Canada.

While grouse hunting (or partridge as the Canadians call it) on a logging road several years ago a whitetail buck emerged from the woods (or the bush as the Canadians call it) and struck this pose before bounding off again.

12"H 12"W 4"D

12"H 12"W 4"D

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Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

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