

Gallery List

Saturday 2 October 2021

Friday 27 August 2021

#771 "Eager"

                                                 Happy Dog Day!

Sandy Scott

Orginal etching

Thursday 17 June 2021

#770 "Sea Turtle"


"Sea turtle"
Dimensions  20"H 14"W 8"D
Medium:  Bronze on post
Edition 35

Wednesday 16 June 2021

#669 "Midnight at the Oasis"

"Midnight at the Oasis"
7"H 11"W 5"D
Ed. size 30

Covid 19 has had me studio-bound and I’ve taken advantage of no travel deadlines to put forth a plethora of new work.  My subject matter has been diverse and much of it reflects recent travel before covid as well as  2020 travel plan that were put on hold. 

“Midnight at the Oasis” was inspired by a 2019 trip to Morocco and while there, Trish was determined to ride a camel. The bus stopped outside Marrakesh where men with a group of camels were giving rides to the tourists.  As Trish bounced along across the sand, I took pictures and took it all in.  I found myself humming Maria Muldaur’s old 1973 tune, “Midnight at the Oasis” all the way to Fez and planned my sculpture of the gaily tacked camels in a recumbent pose. . . every camel stop resulted in more pictures.

Back home in the studio, true to my self-imposed rule of never modeling an animal unless I’ve experienced it afield, the inspiration remained safely in my mind and digital reference.

Sunday 13 June 2021

#768 "Remembering Puerto Vallarta"

"Remembering Puerto Vallarta"
11"H 13"W 5"D
ED. 50

During the 1990s through 2008 Trish and I spent the first two weeks of December in Puerto Vallarta. The holiday season is lively and colorful in Mexico and one of the biggest celebrations is the Festival of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the days leading up to December 12.  Nightly parades through cobbled streets, mariachi music, food,  daytime off-shore fishing in a beautiful tropical setting . . . joyful days that defined our Christmas for many years. 

I’m always on the lookout for animals indigenous to any area I visit and the green iguana is a common species seen in Puerto Vallarta. Men in white clothes would walk the beaches with the large captive lizard offering tourists a chance to have their picture taken with the creature wrapped around their neck. We preferred being at sea, fishing from an open panga with a captain, his mate, and an iced cooler for refreshments and the delictable fish that was cooked for us nightly at our favorite beach cantina.

Saturday 12 June 2021

#767 "Pacer"

11H 13W 5D
ED. 50

A trotter moves its legs forward in diagonal pairs whereas a pacer moves its legs laterally – right front and hind together, then left front and left hind.  The pace is a faster gait than the trot and a majority of horses that compete in harness racing are pacers.


The pace is performed by the Standardbred horse and although it is an artificial gait, it is natural to the breed.  There are five natural gaits of the horse:  walk, trot, canter, gallop, and back.  Additional artificial gaits include the flashy rack, performed by the American Saddlebred and the running walk, characteristic of the Tennessee Walking Horse.

Friday 11 June 2021

Thursday 15 April 2021

#765 "Wooded Water"


"Wooded Water"
21"H 18"W 13"D
Ed. size 25

At daybreak, a female mallard banks sharply, lowers her feet, tilts her body to brake and zeros in for splashdown in the flooded timber.   There, she dabbles for food with a small flock in the shallows and loudly quacks her resentment at any intrusion.  The female is the mouthy one; the male drake makes a soft, raspy sound and lets the hen do all the quacking. 

Many mallards winter in the lower Mississippi valley and when spring arrives, they wing their way north to prairie potholes and small inland lakes to nest and breed. Typically, when they arrive the ground and ponds are still frozen and they feed on grain leftover in the fields until the thaw; often with Canada geese.  The large duck is truly universal and can be found in all of the northern hemisphere as well as Africa, Asia, and Europe. 

   Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

Sunday 21 February 2021

#764 "Earitated"



6"H 10"W 7"D
Edition 50

This little rabbit has an irritating itch that must be tended to.  The gesture is typical of the long-legged creature and body contortion is not needed to reach the spot. Rabbits continue to be a very popular subject.  

   Blog, text, photos, drawings, and sculpture . . . © Sandy Scott and Trish

Saturday 20 February 2021

#763 "Owl Knocker"

"Owl Knocker
16"H 8"W 3"

Over the years I've created many functional sculptures including door knockers.
The molds no longer exist for these early works and I'm in the process of remodeling and remolding several popular designs.  I've started with the owl knocker and next is the rooster, fox, horse, bear, trout, pig, and much more!