

Gallery List

Saturday 29 September 2012

#321 In the field: Jackson, Wyoming

Last week, Trish and I visited Jackson, Wyoming and had lunch with Jim McNutt, director of the National Museum of Wildlife Art and Adam Harris, the museum's curator.

We visited the new Sculpture Trail, see posts #260 - 263, June 17, 2012, and Wilcox Gallery, the fine gallery that has represented me for many years.

At right, the installation of Above Timberline at Wilcox Gallery.

Below, Presidential Eagle and installation of Moose Flats on the Sculpture Trail.

Thursday 27 September 2012

#320 In the field: Yellowstone

After the Cody show last weekend, see yesterdays blog post # 319, we headed for Jackson through the east entrance of Yellowstone.  I live two and a half hours from the majestic park, have visited many times, and never tire of its beauty
. . .  especially in late September.  The color was stunning!  Lunch at the Old Faithful Inn and then a slow drive through the Grand Tetons to Jackson.

Buffalo are one of my favorite subjects, for sculpture, etching, drawing, and painting; I saw this big bull from a distance and captured him with a long lens.

Original sepia-toned etching, copyright Sandy Scott

Ancient Way, 19"H 24"W 10"D, Sandy Scott 

Wednesday 26 September 2012

#319 In the field: 31st annual Art Show and Sale, Buffalo Bill Historical Center, Cody, Wyoming, con't . .

Collectors love the excitement of a Quick Draw, and the Cody, Wyoming show (see Monday's Blog,  #318)
presents a fast-paced and popular event for art lovers.  Painters and sculptors are given one hour to create
a work of art.  The rules are strict:  Painters start with a blank canvas, and sculptors start with a blank armature.
The horn sounds and the artists give it their best shot!

I spent the summer completing an enormous moose monument and the logical critter to model was a head
study of a moose.  Happily, the collectors liked my creation and 12 castings sold at the auction.

Monday 24 September 2012

#318 In the field: 31st annual Art Show and Sale, Buffalo Bill Historical Center, Cody, Wyoming

I attend several museum sponsored, invitational art shows during the year, and
the annual September Rendezvous Royale show in Cody Wyoming,  is one of
my favorites.

Held at the prestigious Buffalo Bill Historical Center, and surrounded by the majesty of the Greater Yellowstone Region, the celebrated art show, sale, and quick draw is one of the west's most popular art destinations.

Additional information about this show can be seen in post #38, September 24, 2011.

Below, Bison I sold in Cody

Below, friend and fellow artist Jim Wilcox with his painting that sold in Cody.

Below, friend and fellow artist Ralph Oberg with his painting that sold in Cody.


Saturday 22 September 2012

#317 In the press: "Art of the West"

This is the ad in the current issue of Art of the West magazine.

Friday 21 September 2012

#316 In the press: "Art of the West"

This new ad will appear in the upcoming issue of Art of the West magazine.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

#315 At the museum: Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum

The Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, located in Wausau, Wisconsin offers artworks from every corner of the world. The grounds cover four acres highlighted by the Margaret Fisher Sculpture Garden, a formal English garden.  

Best known is the internationally acclaimed Birds in Art, an annual juried exhibition that showcases a variety of artistic styles: created by artists the world over and documented in a 
full-color catalogue.  Since 1976, the museum has organized Birds in Art annually, seeking to present the very best contemporary artistic interpretations of birds.  

Approximately 100 works are selected by a jury, and   
this year, one of my favorite sculptures was chosen to be in the show:  Shade of Paradise is a study of the elegant peafowl. Although I was in the field and could not attend, I am always honored to be juried into the prestigious event.

For more information, go to Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art museum at:

Shade of Paradise
13"H 23"W 11"D

Tuesday 18 September 2012

#314 In the field: Arctic Alaska Art & Adventure

Trish and I just returned from a month long wilderness canoe art expedition on the Noatak River in the western
Brooks Range, Alaska.  The focus of the 460 mile river paddle was experiencing the birds, animals, and landscape
in the remote area.  The images are stunning!   Gary McGuffin, renowned paddling expert and professional photographer from Canada led the trip and will supply some of the photos.  We are compiling a series of blogs about our exciting adventure which will be posted soon.

Approaching the Noatak River's headwaters, August 2012 
Photo by Sandy Scott

Monday 17 September 2012

#313 At the museum: National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum

Persimmon Hill magazine is the National Cowboy Western and Heritage Museum's award-winning journal on the West.

The magazine premiered in 1970, an occasion that also marked the fifth anniversary of the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. Persimmon Hill has been published continuously as the museum's flagship publication.  

Below, is a recent article in the magazine about my sculpture demonstration at the museum in June.  I have taught bird anatomy, sculpture and design workshops for over 25 years and have demonstrated my method many times.  Typically, the clay model is dismantled and the clay is used another day.  

Occasionally, I consider a demo "worthy" of completion and casting . . .  
such is the case with the Prix de West block-in of the Western Screech Owl. I will continue to live with the unfinished work until next year's deadline looms . . . at that time, I will strive to retain freshness and spontaneity  as I finish the piece for the prestigious 2013 Prix de West Exhibition.  

See post #254, June 9, 2012, and #264, June 22, 2012 for more information regarding the Western Screech Owl demo. 

In progress - 1 hour clay demo block-in of Western Screech Owl

Sunday 16 September 2012

#312 At the museum: "Moose Flats" con't . . .

Compare today and last Wednesday's post #310: both are images of the competed patina; but notice how
different the patina appears . . . different outdoor light at different times of the day creates ever-changing
and dramatic impressions upon the viewer.  My favorite time of day to experience outdoor sculpture is
early morning or late afternoon . . . the shadows are more pronounced and form is strong and well-defined.

To learn more about this project start with Post #274.

To learn more about the National Museum of Wildlife Art and the new Sculpture Trail go to
Also, click on their Facebook icon for more museum news.

Moose Flats installation at the National Museum of Wildlife Art, Jackson, Wyoming

Saturday 15 September 2012

#311 At the museum: "Moose Flats" con't . . .

The monument has been transported to the National Museum of Wildlife Art in Jackson, Wyoming and installed 
on the new sculpture trail.  See Post, #260 - 263, June 17-20, 2012 which includes the installation of my eagle 
monument - Presidential Eagle.  Next spring, landscaping will have been put in place and I will update you 
with photos of both monuments.

To learn more about the new Sculpture Trail go to:
To learn more about the Moose Flats Monument project, start with Post #274

Wednesday 12 September 2012

#310 In the foundry: "Moose Flats" con't . . .

The patina is a permanent color that is applied to the bronze.  The surface of the sculpture is heated and treated 
with chemicals which react with the copper in the bronze.  Various colors can be obtained by using different 
chemicals;  for instance, cupric nitrate creates blues and greens, ferric nitrate gives golds, rusts, and reddish 
tinges, while liver of sulfur produces browns and blacks.

To learn more about this project, start with Post #274.

A foundry technician applies liver of sulfur to the sculpture;
 one of the few chemicals that does not require heat during application.

Next, the bronze is heated and cupric nitrate is applied.

Below, the cupric nitrate application has been completed.

Next, the sculpture is "scrubbed back" with a scotch-brite pad.

Finally, ferric nitrate is applied with heat.

After the monument has cooled, a coat of paste wax is applied.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

#309 In the foundry: "Moose Flats" con't . . .

Fit-up, welding, armature, chasing, and the final sandblasting have been completed 
and the monument is moved to the patina room.

To learn more about this project, start with Post #274.

Monday 10 September 2012

#308 In the foundry: "Moose Flats" con't . . .

Bronze is over 95% copper and the soft metal is not strong enough to support itself when cast in large, heavy monuments.  Therefore, a steel armature must be placed inside the sculpture to provide structural support.  Imagine a garment hanging from and supported by a coat hanger and one can envision the armature procedure.

Notice the steel bar inserted in the leg in the image below.  One panel has not been welded in place to allow the workers access to the steel armature inside the sculpture.

To learn more about this project, start with Post #274.